at UW Microbiology in Seattle

Our lab studies how CRISPR-Cas systems provide anti-viral immunity to their natural prokaryotic hosts. We are interested in defining mechanistic relationships between CRISPR systems, the hosts that encode them, and the phages they encounter.

Our Team


CRISPR-Cas Functions in Bacteria

CRISPR-Cas systems are prokaryotic immune systems that provide their hosts with sequence-specific protection from foreign genetic elements like bacteriophages, plasmids, and transposons. CRISPR systems are widespread in the microbial world: they’ve been identified in 40% of bacterial genomes and 90% of archaeal genomes. A CRISPR locus contains an array of short (~30 bp) repeating DNA sequences with unique “spacer” sequences in between. The spacers are of foreign origin and specify the sequences targeted by the CRISPR system. New spacer sequences can be captured from invading genetic elements and integrated into the CRISPR array. To interfere against these elements, the CRISPR array is transcribed and processed into small RNAs called crRNAs, which are loaded into Cas nucleases. Together, Cas nucleases and their crRNAs form surveillance complexes that recognize and destroy nucleic acids complementary to the crRNA. 

Despite sharing a name, CRISPR systems are extremely diverse with respect to the proteins they encode and their mechanisms of action. They have been categorized into 6 types and 33 subtypes (and counting). While many Cas nucleases use their crRNA to recognize and cleave complementary DNA targets, we now know other Cas proteins and their accessory factors harbor diverse biochemical activities in lieu of or in addition to DNA cleavage. Cas protein activities include RNA cleavage, ssDNA cleavage, synthesis of small molecule second messengers, and even transposon integration. In response to the evolutionary pressures imposed by CRISPR immunity, phages often encode small anti-CRISPR proteins that inhibit specific Cas protein activities and permit the phage infection to succeed. 

Our lab is broadly interested in: (1) the mechanisms and consequences of CRISPR immunity in native bacterial hosts; (2) how these systems are regulated by their hosts and subverted by phages; and (3) roles that CRISPR systems play beyond immunity. We use a combination of microbial genetics, high-throughput genetic screens, time-lapse microscopy, and biochemical reconstitution to better understand the diverse roles of CRISPR in the microbial world.

CRISPR-Cas13 Immunity in Listeria seeligeri

Of the six types of CRISPR-Cas system, there is only one that does not cleave DNA. Type VI CRISPR systems encode a single nuclease called Cas13, which is guided by its crRNA to recognize and cleaves RNA targets. During Alex’s postdoc in the Marraffini lab, he established Listeria seeligeri, a natural host of the type VI CRISPR system, as a tractable model for studying how these systems provide immunity. In L. seeligeri, Cas13 activity is triggered during phage infection upon transcription of phage genes that contain spacer homology (target genes). When Cas13 recognizes a target RNA complementary to the crRNA, it forms an RNA:RNA duplex and becomes activated. The activated form of Cas13 is not only thought to cleave the bound target RNA (cis-cleavage), but also cleaves other RNA nonspecifically (trans-cleavage) at exposed uridines. In the cell, this nonspecific activity results in cell dormancy. Both the growth of the cell and the lytic cycle of the phage are halted. While the infected cells remain in stasis, uninfected cells in the population continue to grow, and the population as a whole survives.

Our lab continues to explore the mechanisms and consequences of Cas13-mediated immunity in L. seeligeri. We are interested in identifying factors required for entry into and exit from cell dormancy. What other host factors affect type VI CRISPR immunity, and how is it regulated? How are new spacers acquired? Finally, we have a collection of phages that infect L. seeligeri and identified some phages that are Cas13 resistant. In one of these we discovered an anti-CRISPR protein (AcrVIA1) that binds to L. seeligeri Cas13 and prevents it from engaging with target RNA. We are interested in identifying other phage-encoded proteins that alter Cas13 activity.

Recent Publications

Katz MA, Sawyer EM, Oriolt L, Kozlova A, Williams MC, Margolis SR, Johnson M, Bondy-Denomy J, Meeske AJ.
Diverse viral cas genes antagonize CRISPR immunity.

(2024) Nature, in press PDF
Williams MC*, Reker AE*, Margolis SR, Liao J, Wiedmann M, Rojas ER, Meeske AJ.
Restriction endonuclease cleavage of phage DNA enables resuscitation from Cas13-induced bacterial dormancy.

(2023) Nat. Microbiol. 8:400-9 (*co-first authors) PDF
Johnson MC, Hille LT, Kleinstiver BP, Meeske AJ*, Bondy-Denomy J*.
Lack of Cas13a inhibition by anti-CRISPR proteins from Leptotrichia prophages.

(2022) Mol. Cell 82:2161-6. (*co-corresponding authors) PDF
Meeske AJ*, Jia N*, Cassel AK, Kozlova A, Liao J, Wiedmann M, Patel DJ, Marraffini LA.
A phage-encoded anti-CRISPR enables complete evasion of type VI-A CRISPR-Cas immunity.

(2020) Science 369:54-9. (*co-first authors) PDF
Meeske AJ, Nakandakari-Higa S, Marraffini LA.
Cas13-induced cellular dormancy prevents the rise of CRISPR-resistant bacteriophage. 

(2019) Nature 570:241-5. PDF
Meeske AJ and Marraffini LA.
RNA guide complementarity prevents self-targeting in type VI CRISPR systems.

(2018) Mol. Cell 71:1-11 PDF

Contact Us

If you love bacteria, or their viruses, or both, we’d like to hear from you. We have open positions for:

  • Undergraduates: We have openings for undergraduates who can make a 12 hour per week commitment starting in Fall or Winter quarter 2022. Contact Alex to inquire.
  • Graduate students: Students in the UW Microbiology, MSTP, or MCB programs can contact Alex to schedule a rotation.
  • Postdocs: Please send a cover letter containing a brief statement of your research background and interests, your CV, and contact info for 3 references to Alex.

Email Alex: meeske[at]

Lab Address:

Meeske Lab
University of Washington
Department of Microbiology
750 Republican St, F830
Seattle, WA 98109

Office Address:

Alexander Meeske
University of Washington
Department of Microbiology
750 Republican St, Box 358071
Seattle, WA 98109

UW Medicine Department of Microbiology
© 2020 Alexander Meeske
Background Art: Nora Pyenson